Q1: How do I activate my eBook I purchased in store?

A: To activate your eBook, go to www.ichabodshop.com.

Click the "Access eBooks/Login" link under the "Books" tab on the main menu.
Login to ichabodshop.com using the email linked to your purchase (see top of the receipt). Please contact Ichabod Shop at 785-670-1049 if you have any problems logging into your account.

Once you are logged in, click "Activate and Access eBooks".
Then click the link that states "Click here to activate an in-store purchase."
Select "Redshelf" as the provider.
Enter the code printed on your receipt under the textbook description.
Your book then should appear in your digital bookshelf.
For customer support, please call 785-670-1924 or email [email protected] or [email protected].


How to redeem Redshelf eBooks purchased in-store

How to redeem Redshelf Access Codes purchased in-store





Q2: I ordered my book online. How do I access my book?

A: To activate your eBook ordered online, go to www.ichabodshop.com.

Click the link "Access eBooks/Login" under the "Books" tab on the main menu.
You will need to enter the email address associated with your web order. Please contact Ichabod Shop at 785-670-1049 if you have any problems logging into your account.

Once you log in, select "Activate and Access eBooks."
Click on the book image for the book you ordered.
This will open a new window (pop-up window) where you can create an account with the title's provider.
Once you have created your account with the title's provider, you can begin to read your book.


How to redeem Redshelf eBooks purchased online

How to redeem Redshelf Access Codes purchased online





Q3: I ordered an eBook online, but I do not see my book. What do I do?

A: Please call Ichabod Shop at 785-670-1049.
We will be happy to help troubleshoot the issue so you can access your materials.

Q4: I ordered both the eBook and print version of a book. Can I return my eBook?

A: Please call Ichabod Shop at 785-670-1049, or email [email protected].
We will work with you and Redshelf to complete a return.